Bellas cupcakes present camellia cupcakes in "New York Opera Night!" on 30th January.

At the "New York · Opera Night! Bravo Screening" which enjoys the opera performance of "La Traviata" at the New York Metropolitan Opera House(MET) on a big screen, Camellia cupcakes of Belaas cupcakes will be presented to visitors.
Date : 30th January 19:00
Place : Shinjuku Piccadilly (3-15-15 Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo )
Screening work : La Traviata
ticket price : 3,600 yen / Adult
Date : 30th January 19:00
Place : Shinjuku Piccadilly (3-15-15 Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo )
Screening work : La Traviata
ticket price : 3,600 yen / Adult